Please Call or Text 0408 054 538

Bupa Remedial Massage in Cairns

Bupa Remedial Massage Cairns
Bupa Remedial Massage Cairns

Massage Whitfield Cairns – Bupa Remedial Massage Cairns – Bupa Massage rebate cairns

Massage Whitfield Cairns – Remedial Massage is a form of deep tissue massage. It is claimable via your private health insurance. There is a certain amount in your extras cover each year that you can use. Customers can check this via your health fund app.

Claiming Your treatment

You can claim your massages back via the BUPA app or via their website online. You simply upload the receipt or take a photo of the receipt. It depends on each individual health fund as to what the process for your rebate is. It also depends on each individual health fund how much you will receive back from your treatment.

For instance a 85.00 massage you may get $20.00 back or some health funds give $65.00 back for each treatment. This depends entirely on each individual health fund.

If you have remedial massage in your extras cover – which most health funds do include. It is useful to use this each year. So I recommend you look at your amount allocated for each year and work out a treatment maintainence schedule.

Bupa Remedial massage cairns –

For instance you may like to make bookings for your massages every 5 weeks or every 6 weeks. This way you are taking care of your body and doing maintainence visits and getting the most out of your health fund rebates each year.

So please jump onto and book your massages in according to your rebates – preferably every 5 weeks.

This is a good self care program and prevents you getting injuries as your muscles. This is because your muscles are reguarly being attended to – Bupa Massage rebate cairns.

Bupa Remedial massage cairns
Bupa Remedial massage cairns

Massage Whitfield Cairns –

This program is indicated for tradesman or people who stand frequently. It is also great for office workers who have forward bending posture, people with stress in their lives that tend to clench or grind their teeth (and hold tension in their neck and shoulders and upper back tension).

I would also recommend this program schedule to anyone who has had a serious injury in the past who wants to prevent a reoccurance of this injury.

Massage Whitfield Cairns –

Neck problems are – arthritis in the neck, spondylosis of the neck, rhematism, fibrositis, slipped disc; or, when it concerns pain extending into the arm, neurtitis and neuralgia.

Most of us suffer at some time during our life from pain in the region of the neck, or pain arising from the neck which is felt across the shoulders, in the shoulder blade, the upper or lower arm. Pain coming from the neck can be felt in the hand and symptoms such as pins and neeedles or numbness can be experienced in the fingers. People are troubled by headaches, the cause of which can be traced to problems in the neck.

Bupa Remedial massage cairns – Treating Neck problems

Usually these aches and pain occur intermittently – that is there are times in the day or there are days that no pain is fetl. The sympotoms may appear mysteriously, often for no apparent reason, and just as mysteriously they disappear. These aches and pains may also occur constantly – that is, pain to some degree or other is felt at all times. People who have pain all the time are frequeantly forced to take paills. It is uncommon for these people to have to stop work, although this occaionally happens. More often the pain simply makes their life miserable and they have to reduce their activities in order to keep the discomfort at a moderate level.

Bupa Massage rebate cairns – Neck problems are treated effectively with remedial massage. If we set up a clear and effective treatment plan involving a succession of treatments at regular intervals then this is highly advantageous at fixing neck problems.

Bupa Remedial massage cairns – Stretches may be given, linement may be recommended. We may also suggest treatment that are also available within this clinic such as rock tape applications, moxibustion therapy, cupping therapy, dry needling sessions or Acupuncture session. Chinese herbal remedies for stress reduction or pain relief.

For most conditions we recommend at least 3 treatments and then follow up visits in the following months so that we do a good job and that results are lasting.

Whiplash and remedial massage

Another way of developing acute torticollis is a whiplash injury.

The pateint is sitting in a starionary car which is run into from behind. The impact is unforeseen and the occupant cannot brace his muscles against it. The head is thrown backwads, then equally abruptly forwards, the unprotected joints bearing the brunt. Severe types of damage may be caused but the common result is the disc-displacement, development in the corse of some hours so that by evening, pain prevents the neck being moved at all. Severe stiffness continues for several weeks, then slowly abates, full movement returning after some months; but some degree of discomfort may remain, sometimes permanently. Remedial massage is a great way to alleviate whiplash pain and discomfort.

Scapular pain and remedial massage

Remedial massage helps greatly with scapular pain.

Bupa Remedial massage cairns – The patient finds themselves subject to bouts of pain at onset. Near the shoulder-blade, radiating perhaps up to the base of the skull. These attacks recur at intervals, say, once or twice a year (not necessarily on the same side each time). And while they last they make the neck stiff.

Examination shows that certain, but not all, movments of the neck evoke or increase the pain in the shoulder-blade area.

It also shows that the trouble does not originate in the muscles at the shoulder-blade or neck. These muscles may be tender, testing them by a strong contraction against resistance is painless. These findings are characteristic of a block in part of a cervical joint. This will give rise to pain felt on one side increased on moving the joint. The displaced fragment is small and jams the joint less obviously than in acute torticollis. These are still both variants of the same condition.

How to Book and Appointment

Please follow the Book online button to book a time or check availability.  Alternatively please text

0408 054 538.

Previously –

The clinic was located at 111-113 McManus street Whitfield.

It is Now located at 12 Scott Street Parramatta Park.

It’s in a Queenslander and the entrance if via the front door, downstairs.  There is an intake form to fill in in the foyer.

Please note there is a 24 hour change or appointment or cancellation or no show policy.

The full Fee applies. or or or

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